Wow and Wonder #4

For this Wow and Wonder post, I will be responding to two of Shelley Moore’s videos surrounding teaching to inclusion and diversity in the classroom.


In the video, “Shelley Moore: Transforming Inclusive Education,” Moore compares teaching to bowling. I had not thought of teaching in this way before. I definitely agree that as a teacher, if you aim for the middle, you will reach most students, but not everyone (the ones who are missed, are usually the ones who need the most support). In my own experience, I have noticed that teachers will spend extra time after a lesson to help the students who need extra support. While this strategy is effective, it is not very efficient and requires much more time and effort from teachers who already do so much. This is why I love Moore’s point about changing the aim and using the extra supports that all students will benefit from when teaching in order to reach as many students as possible from the get-go.

Evolution of Inclusion Diagram. Screen capture from


In the video, “The Evolution of Inclusion: The past and future of education,” Moore wonders if we can still do better when it comes to inclusion of all students in the classroom and if there is another evolution in inclusion. I took some time to ponder this as this question requires a lot of thought. Eventually, I had an idea that the next evolution could look similar to inclusion, but without the dots (that represent students) being confined by the circle that surrounds them so that there can be more space between each dot. I am still struggling to think of a name for this next stage, but the idea of equity keeps coming to mind. This has also made me wonder – will there ever be an end to the evolution of inclusion? Or will there come a time where there is nothing more that can possibly be done to ensure that all students are included, supported, and given equal opportunities regarding their education?


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